Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV
Case Sharing CASA

The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.

Let CERALIV Coating Help People Get Along Better With Home

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The Freedom To Explore Life and Self At Will

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Enjoy The Turn of Seasons At Home

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A Nice Decoration Depends On The Taste, Keep Nice Quality Through Cleanliness

Interior decoration is a visual appearance of personal taste. However, to keep this beauty forever, we must rely on daily cleaning to maintain it. When CERALIV entered the owner's home for on-site measurement, we were amazed by the tidy and clean space. The owner is also proud of how he maintains the home environment. He will always pay attention to every detail. No matter what kind of building materials, he will take a lot of time to take care of it. However, when the owner mentioned the bathroom cleaning, he was full of helplessness and discouragement. No matter how various…
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2022 Building material exhibition |The lucky winner of our residential coating draw

我們兌現承諾,將所有的浴室玻璃、水槽、鏡子,以及餐桌、檯面、大理石,甚至是打開門的落塵區全部都做好鍍膜。我們讓這房子將近90%的空間免去和污漬的面對面對決,希望可以給予陳先生一家更舒適自在的生活環境,更祝福他享受CERAIV帶來的全新居家體驗。感謝陳先生參與CERALIV居家鍍膜 #2022國際建材展 的抽獎活動,也恭喜他成為此次全室鍍膜的得主...
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CERALIV Home Coating, The Sweetest Housewarming Gift

Housing prices heat up these days. For most people, it is a significant decision to spend all their savings to have a place that lets them feel stable and comfortable, especially a family. The real estate agent bears this important duty. It is a lengthy process, but when they find that perfect piece, the client's sparking eyes can let him know. As a real estate agent, he wants to give the owner the most practical gift to present his sincere wishes, which have been bothering him for a long time. He wants to become more than a mere formality but…
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