Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV
Case Sharing CASA

The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.

台北家具鍍膜案例,Restaurant A, More Than a Restaurant

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特殊材質鍍膜案例,視覺光影如畫般享受 ​ —— 藝術塗料ARTISTIC COATING

仰賴的就是過往的施工經驗和研發團隊的專業,最後成功將能夠防水抗污的 #液態陶瓷鍍膜 與中島x藝術塗料以業主喜愛的「低調自然」工法上料,做適度的防護。當建材傢俱和空間都不在為單一功能而存在,原先看似不實用,實則換個思維模式,迎來的最大彈性,這張中島不在僅限於『飲食』為目的,藝術塗料也不再只能好看而不實用,透過居家鍍膜蛻變,這也是相當不錯的吧...
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Capturing the Transient Moment of Life, LIMESTONE

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Unique furniture case study | pure white and super absorbent table!

Even the most beautiful furniture has its function, such as a table being used to place objects, but this is a table that is very absorbent. If you put a cold drink on it, and pick it up in less than a second, water droplets from the cup rim will immediately leave cup marks on the table. Not to mention greasy soups and other liquids from meals. Can this table still be used? This was the dilemma faced by the famous YouTuber and aspiring internet celebrity BeautyWu. About two months ago, a colleague shared a video of BeautyWu's new home unboxing in a work group chat...
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Covid outbreak across the world, the longer you stay at home, the more you need to know how to use a little creativity in your living space with furniture and materials to make your house lively. Even if you spend the whole day at home, you wouldn’t be bored. CERALIV residential coating team visited a 250 square meter house this time. We applied coating on the hygroscopic Pandomo flooring and the pastel pink leather sofa to make the maintenance job easier for the future. Enjoying chilling at home. During the new year's holiday, the owner of the house had a…
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