Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV
Case Sharing CASA

The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.

台北家具鍍膜案例,Restaurant A, More Than a Restaurant

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Cozy & Fluffy!Define Your Leisure Time At Home

若要說居宅空間中象徵著『Cozy』的傢俱,絕對非沙發莫屬,無論是皮革布料、多向性或單人沙發,都是構建家悠閒自在的形狀。雲朵般軟綿的羊羔絨沙發是軟裝設計中的寵兒,熱門到近期官方LINE收到十數則鍍膜詢問,它獨特療癒的造型,任何風格都可以駕馭, 獨處或家庭時光都能一身栽進柔軟之中,或躺或坐皆是愜意...
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Southern France Style House

This Southern France Style house is located in Linkou and the owner Mr. Qiu applied many special elements in the decoration. He purchased a whole set of fabric furniture for the living room, which is also the main coating project designated by the owner this time. He knows that the maintenance of fabric sofas is not easy due to the water-absorption. In order to solve this problem, he searched for a lot of information about home solution coating on the Internet, and CERALIV CASA was honored to be selected by him and won his trust to provide protection for a…
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