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Home > Cases Study > Case Sharing CASA > Home PET Protective Film > Page 4
The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.
主廚為了追求極致的完美,除了舌尖上的享受之外,更力求給與顧客充滿氛圍感的用餐體驗,在許多檯面選用了國外進口的大理石。然而,大理石太容易受到食物的酸鹼值影響而吃色染上髒污,不僅破壞美感,也會影響用餐體驗。為了解決這個潛在的麻煩,CERALIV有幸透過客製化的服務,成為這個餐廳的一部份。我們為所有肉眼可見的大理石,貼上不影響外觀及質感的膜料,直接隔絕所有可能的污染源,讓吃色這件事不會發生在Restaurant A,以客人完全察覺不到的方式,保護這個空間的美…
Understanding that the owner wants to solve the problem of acid and alkali corrosion, we suggested that Home PPF is the most effective way and also showed the previous case of stone filming as a reference. Knowing that the change in texture is extremely subtle and can extend the practicality and aesthetics of building materials, the owner decided to film the marble island and round table because it can prevent corrosion and resist the friction of pots and pans...
Do you also use marble as the building material in your home? Do you want to integrate elegance into the home space, create the ultimate aesthetic design, and incorporate more practical functions according to the needs of life simultaneously? CERALIV home PPF helps you to achieve an outstanding balance between beauty and function, making calmness a daily routine...
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