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The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.
J’adior材質以易吸水性的刺繡棉為主,一旦沾附水漬就會影響整體完美性,再加上匠人一針一線精細繡上字樣的細緻工法,使得緞帶表面更顯凹凸有致,因此施工上更需仔細琢磨,確保擁有全方位包覆且相同厚度的保護膜,猶如隱形金鐘罩般徹底防護。各種風格都適合穿搭的J’adior 鞋,想必是最常穿出場的款式,鍍膜後再也不用顧慮天氣因素而挑選穿出門的時機,讓日常穿搭更輕鬆且顯質感品味,讓心愛的J’adior鞋能雋永的展現美麗…
To preserve the original beauty and practicality of the stone, the homeowner contacted numerous coating brands, but they were all rejected on the grounds that "This stone will absorb water." Eventually, through the introduction of a designer, he got in touch with CERALIV CASA.CERALIV CASA can indeed be regarded as experts in dealing with absorbent materials, having had extensive experience with related coatings. We have successfully helped many homeowners resolve their concerns.
As a mother and the homeowner, she believes that having personal preferences should not be considered a “demand”. Additionally, ensuring that residents can live comfortably for the long time, opting for a home coating that protects the building materials while being easy to clean is a wise choice. Based on the recommendation of a friend who had also used CERALIV Home Coating, the homeowner decided to apply transparent and colorless liquid ceramic coating to the entire kitchen and bathroom.
Home is a direct way to understand a person. Besides the outside world, we spend most of our time at home. Every small decision is influenced by the homeowner's life experiences, daily needs, and future aspirations. Preferences may change over time, but good design, once it becomes a classic, can be reused again and again. Through the use of stain-resistant, color-preserving, and transparent liquid ceramic coating, CERALIV Home Coating evokes a sense of appreciation for "home" and there's no need to be overly cautious.
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8F.-6, No.9, Ligong St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112019, Taiwan