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The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.
To preserve the original beauty and practicality of the stone, the homeowner contacted numerous coating brands, but they were all rejected on the grounds that "This stone will absorb water." Eventually, through the introduction of a designer, he got in touch with CERALIV CASA.CERALIV CASA can indeed be regarded as experts in dealing with absorbent materials, having had extensive experience with related coatings. We have successfully helped many homeowners resolve their concerns.
As a mother and the homeowner, she believes that having personal preferences should not be considered a “demand”. Additionally, ensuring that residents can live comfortably for the long time, opting for a home coating that protects the building materials while being easy to clean is a wise choice. Based on the recommendation of a friend who had also used CERALIV Home Coating, the homeowner decided to apply transparent and colorless liquid ceramic coating to the entire kitchen and bathroom.
Home is a direct way to understand a person. Besides the outside world, we spend most of our time at home. Every small decision is influenced by the homeowner's life experiences, daily needs, and future aspirations. Preferences may change over time, but good design, once it becomes a classic, can be reused again and again. Through the use of stain-resistant, color-preserving, and transparent liquid ceramic coating, CERALIV Home Coating evokes a sense of appreciation for "home" and there's no need to be overly cautious.
鱷魚皮紋就跟人類指紋一般,紋路皆不相同,加上其規律卻又帶點變化,從小到大、由深至淺的排列,造就其獨一無二的珍貴獨特性。鱷魚皮如此珍稀嬌貴,尤其碰水後即會造成不可逆的水泡痕跡,因此客人小心翼翼的將愛包交付於CERALIV LUXURY,讓我們為這款無與倫比的奢華愛馬仕凱莉鱷魚包,鍍上一層最牢靠的金鐘罩,從此不必再擔憂愛包傷害受損,得以歷久彌新、繼續閃耀…
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