Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV


Do you still have many questions about high-quality coating? CERALIV LUXURY has collected the most frequently asked questions from customers, please consult the “FAQ” page on our website.

Recently, a lot of our customers come with an assembled bag. Then, they asked the same question. My bag has different materials and can you apply the coating on all the materials?The answer is long before we create CERALIV LUXURY, all around protection is put into consideration. Yes, we can protect all materialsCERALIV LUXURY offers all around protection on every material, leather, suede, metal, you name it. The original intention of CERALIV LUXURY is to offer people the best leather bag protection in the business. After two years of researching and developing, we can say with full confidence that…

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How we charge is what every customer cares about. That’s why when CERALIV LUXURY was founded, we designed a very simple charging method.We charge by size, simple and clear Even though CERALIV LUXURY is a very young brand, we have a great foundation in CERALIV CASA which is our home solution coating brand that has already become the most trusted and welcomed brand in Taiwan. The key to our success is the simple and clear quotation standard.We copy and paste the trustworthy quotation method and set a clear standard based on the size of the bags. The size …

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As mentioned in other Q&A articles, the vast majority of customers will ask whether they can make an online quotation, and when the quotation is confirmed, the next question is, “Is your service available in all counties and cities?”The professional application lab in capital city, Taipei.CERALIV LUXURY pays special attention to details. In order to provide the best experience for customers, CERALIV LUXURY has specially built a laboratory. In the lab, in order to provide customers with the most reassuring coating experience, professionally trained coating applicators will openly and transparently display all coating processes in front of customers…

There are rumors that the coating will mislead verification of the delicate bag which causes distrust of luxury coating. In fact, we are not surprised that there will be such a phenomenon, because every coating brand uses different coating materials, and some of the coating might actually cause this unfortunate incident.Here comes the question: is the CERALIV LUXURY possible to cause this situation? To answer this question, we sent one of our coated Hermès bags to a professional boutique appraiser and the results are as follows. Our coating is a transparent ultra-thin film.CERALIV LUXURY knows the value…

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Revolutionary Bonding Technologies (RBT) that overturns the imagination:The vast majority of coating service on the market might provide adequate protection at the beginning, but over a long period of time and changing climates, the coating layer is easily mottled off if the adhesion force is not excellent. The protection effect can be greatly reduced in just two or three months. Through our Revolutionary Bonding Technology (RBT), our film after drying, will produce strong adhesion. With only one coat, your bag can enjoy permanent protection, unless the leather is cut directly with a sharp object such as a knife …

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Is there a timeliness for exquisite bag coating? Do I have to do it again after the bag coating is done? Don't worry, this article will answer all your questions about timeliness.High-quality permanent protection.Most of the coating products have good protection at the beginning, but after a short period of time the coating layer will easily peel off due to the lack of adhesion. The effect, hence, will disappear in only two or three months.CERALIV LUXURY creates coatings based on our revolutionary bonding technology (RBT) which makes the coating strongly adhere on the surface when it’s cured…

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The surface of the exquisite bags is very fragile and needs special care. Even the hand sweat will leave indelible stains sometimes which makes the proper protection an important matter. This article will introduce the effects of CERALIV LUXURY coating.Comprehensive protection of luxury bag.CERALIV LUXURY has developed more than 600 new coatings in the past two years, and selected only five of them which have the best protective effects and are most suitable for fine leathers.In addition, we have also designed 36 leather condition tests, whether it is Dior, Chanel, Hermes, or calf, lamb, suede, even rare lizard, crocodile leather…

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White or light-colored boutique bags are very difficult to maintain. No matter how careful you are, unfortunate accidents will inevitably occur. It may be the splash of the drink or the smudge of the jeans. That’s why more and more people put boutique coating into consideration. However, what stops people from doing that is the coating will turn yellow sooner or later. Why is this?The material is the decisive factor.The reason why coatings turn yellow is the materials are based on water-based resins, release agents, emulsifiers.Although there is still a water repellent effect, it’s not going to last long. It is easy to produce oil shadow, which …

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In recent years, everyone's love for boutique bags has increased, and as new brands have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, everyone has more choices. They can choose bags to express their own style. The demand for the beloved bag is increasing.So what are the advantages of bag coating? There are three major benefits as below.Reducing cleaning effort and time.The coating solution of CERALIV LUXURY will form a double-layer structure after curing. The bottom layer tightly adheres to the leather to resist the erosion from external dirt, while the up layer will produce dense three-dimensional network…

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Things are two sides of one body. Just like water. People must drink water to live, but drinking too much can also lead to water poisoning. The same is true for bag coating. It is impossible to have only advantages, and there must be corresponding disadvantages. CERALIV LUXURY is here to tell you honestly what are the disadvantages of leather bag coatings.Permanent protection and Irreversible .Our home coating service, if it is really necessary to remove the coating, it can be polished from the stone, metal, and glass surfaces.But in the leather bag coating, it is impossible to polish…

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Coating is a chemical product after all, and boutique bags often come into contact with the skin, will there be any health or safety concerns? This is the last question that customers often ask after confirming the quotation and completing the leather inspection. Is CERALIV LUXURY coating service safe or not, and are there any health concerns for the human body? CERALIV LUXURY boutique coating is verified by the EU.Before the establishment of CERALIV LUXURY, CERALIV CASA has provided professional home coating services for hundreds of families, and the coating is often applied on the countertops that come into contact with…

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There are various luxury coatings brands in the business. What are the differences between CERALIV LUXURY and them? In this article, CERALIV LUXURY will tell you what are the 5 major features that make us unique and unplaceable.Feature 1: Ultra thin film.CERALIV LUXURY takes the technology and experience from the parent company CHOOSE NanoTech, and bring the world's leading liquid ceramic ultra-thin film technology to the CERALIV LUXURY coating service that reaches anti-stain, high transparency, and anti-oxidation. CERALIV provides the exquisite bags the best protection on the premise of maintaining the original touch and appearance…

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As CERALIV LUXURY gains the reputation of leather bag coatings, more and more customers want to know more about the details. And one of the most common questions is the online quotation. Can I have the approximate price?Even though CERALIV LUXURY is a very young brand, we have a great foundation in CERALIV CASA which is our home solution coating brand that has already become the most trusted and welcomed brand in Taiwan. The key to our success is the simple and clear quotation standard.We copy and paste the trustworthy quotation method and set a clear standard based…

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There are various luxury coatings brands in the business. What are the differences between CERALIV LUXURY and them? In this article, CERALIV LUXURY will tell you what are the 5 major features that make us unique and unplaceable.Feature 1: Ultra thin film.CERALIV LUXURY takes the technology and experience from the parent company CHOOSE NanoTech, and bring the world's leading liquid ceramic ultra-thin film technology to the CERALIV LUXURY coating service that reaches anti-stain, high transparency, and anti-oxidation. CERALIV provides the exquisite bags the best protection on the premise of maintaining the original touch and appearance…

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The surface of the exquisite bags is very fragile and needs special care. Even the hand sweat will leave indelible stains sometimes which makes the proper protection an important matter. This article will introduce the effects of CERALIV LUXURY coating.Comprehensive protection of luxury bag.CERALIV LUXURY has developed more than 600 new coatings in the past two years, and selected only five of them which have the best protective effects and are most suitable for fine leathers.In addition, we have also designed 36 leather condition tests, whether it is Dior, Chanel, Hermes, or calf, lamb, suede, even rare lizard, crocodile leather…

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CERALIV LUXURY 提供全方位的精品鍍膜服務,適用於各種材質,包括皮革、麂皮及金屬等。經過兩年研發,品牌致力於為客戶提供高品質的防護,並依照36道皮質檢定確保最佳效果,滿足各類需求...
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CERALIV LUXURY 提供透明化、按尺寸收費的精品鍍膜服務,價格從六千元起,特殊皮革另行計價。每件包包需經專業檢測,並提供免費評估,確保最佳防護方案。預約制服務,便捷且無隱藏費用...
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CERALIV LUXURY全台都有服務嗎?可以到府收件嗎?

CERALIV LUXURY 提供全台服務,並推出到府收件,方便客戶體驗精品鍍膜。品牌重視安全,設有專業實驗室並採用嚴格管控措施。雖目前僅有台北門市,但計畫積極擴展至各縣市,讓更多顧客享受專業服務...
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鍍膜會不會影響鑑定結果?CERALIV LUXURY 直接把送去LVMH認證鑑定單位

CERALIV LUXURY 的精品鍍膜會不會影響鑑定結果?經專業鑑定師SOPHIA認證,鍍膜後並不影響真偽問題。鍍膜層透明且不影響包包觸感或透氣性,並能延長淡色系包包的使用壽命。透過實測解決了大眾對鍍膜影響鑑定的疑慮...
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CERALIV LUXURY精品鍍膜可以撐多久?是否要再重做?有提供保固服務嗎?

CERALIV LUXURY 的精品鍍膜利用革命性附著技術 (RBT),保證一次施作即可提供長效防護,鍍膜層不易脫落,除非遭受極端損傷。品牌提供一年免費 LUXURY CARE 保固,並可續保三年,實現終身保固,確保包包持久保護。保養簡單,只需定期清潔即可維持包包如新...
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How to maintain the coating?

CERALIV LUXURY的精品鍍膜服務提供雙層防護,底層永久防護,表層排斥髒汙。保養簡單,只需用水或布輕擦即可,若希望恢復亮麗效果,可使用專屬保養液。若擔心保養不當,可交給專業工程師處理,確保包包保持最佳防護...
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