Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV


對於居家鍍膜還有很多疑問嗎?為此,CeraLiv 蒐集了客戶最常詢問的問題,並且彙集在常見問題頁面裡面,希望能夠釐清您的困惑。

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鍍膜會不會影響鑑定結果?CERALIV LUXURY 直接把送去LVMH認證鑑定單位

CERALIV LUXURY 的精品鍍膜會不會影響鑑定結果?經專業鑑定師SOPHIA認證,鍍膜後並不影響真偽問題。鍍膜層透明且不影響包包觸感或透氣性,並能延長淡色系包包的使用壽命。透過實測解決了大眾對鍍膜影響鑑定的疑慮...
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CERALIV LUXURY精品鍍膜可以撐多久?是否要再重做?有提供保固服務嗎?

CERALIV LUXURY 的精品鍍膜利用革命性附著技術 (RBT),保證一次施作即可提供長效防護,鍍膜層不易脫落,除非遭受極端損傷。品牌提供一年免費 LUXURY CARE 保固,並可續保三年,實現終身保固,確保包包持久保護。保養簡單,只需定期清潔即可維持包包如新...
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How to maintain the coating?

CERALIV LUXURY的精品鍍膜服務提供雙層防護,底層永久防護,表層排斥髒汙。保養簡單,只需用水或布輕擦即可,若希望恢復亮麗效果,可使用專屬保養液。若擔心保養不當,可交給專業工程師處理,確保包包保持最佳防護...
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Is Surface Scouting Necessary For Home Coating? Can I Do The Quotation Online?

Whether on LINE's official account or social media, many people who have to know CERALIV will almost ask, "Can I do the quotation online?" Sure, you can do the quotation online as long as you supply the length and width of the object. But we will still inform the owner that the price is mainly based on on-site surface scouting. So, why do we insist on on-site surface scouting even if we can do the quotation online? CERALIV has developed various coatings for different building materials. However,
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Will boutique bags turn yellow after coating?

CERALIV LUXURY針對精品鍍膜後變黃問題進行詳解,並指出選擇低品質原料會導致黃變,強調其專業的透明鍍膜技術和細緻檢測流程,有效預防泛黃,確保精品包長期維持完美狀態...
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What Is The Difference Between CERALIV Professional Coating and DIY Coating?

The primary purpose is to resist dirt, so what is the difference between professional and DIY coating? Will there be a disparity in the effect of applying both? For the question, we could use the matter of hair dyeing to think about it! One is to buy at-home hair color and DIY, and the other one is to dye by the designer. For the same purpose, the prices are entirely different. Because hair designers have extensive experience, they can dye more skillfully and adjust each hair type to achieve a longer-lasting and stunning style. The coating is the same…
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