Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV


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The 5 major features of CERALIV LUXURY coating protect

現在精品鍍膜的品牌越來越多,那麼CERALIV LUXURY跟其他家到底有什麼不一樣呢?事實上,正是因為精品鍍膜品牌越來越多,我們也專注在提升自家鍍膜品質上...
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What are the effects of our coating!

CERALIV LUXURY創立之前,我們購買了足足新台幣六位數的皮革樣品做測試,研發鍍膜液的瓶子數字,也從001一路飆升到6XX多號...
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Do You Know What Home PET Protective Film(PPF) is?

During the past five years, the home coating has gradually become part of people's lives. As the market leader in the coating field, we feel deeply honored and glad to see the outcome, nevertheless, with only a smattering of home protective film for most people. Is it the same as car film, and why do we need the home PPF? Everything has its limit. With the accumulation of home coating cases, our experiences tell us that the coating cannot fully match the owner's requirement in some situations. CERALIV has always been on the cutting edge of the coating industry…
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How Long Does CERALIV's Coating Last?

When CERALIV's coating is completed, a layer will be formed which is thinner than a cicada's wing. The validity period can last two to three years or even longer. This subverts cognition, not something we are talking nonsense about because our coating has extensive technological support. Although CERALIV is a new brand, our parent company, CHOOSENANO TECH, has made great achievements in industrial coating for over a decade. Most of the environment in industrial fields is quite harsh; therefore, the coating must withstand ultra-high temperatures and strong acids and alkalis. CERALIV's R&D center breaks through the bottlenecks of the…
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What Are The Disadvantages Of Home Coating?

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What Are The Benefits Of Home Coating?

Are there so many benefits to applying the home coating? Let CERALIV quell your doubts, analyze the three advantages of home coating and tell you why home coating has become the standard equipment for a new home. The R&D and manufacture of the CERALIV coating solution are all produced by ourselves. The original intention of developing the product - greatly reduces the cleaning pressure. After the coating dries, the surface will have a fluffy structure like the leaves of lotus plants, demonstrating a self-cleaning nature, as microscopic structures ensure the water(liquid), stains, and other dirt rolls off the surface…
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