Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV


As CERALIV LUXURY gains the reputation of leather bag coatings, more and more customers want to know more about the details. And one of the most common questions is the online quotation.

Can I have the approximate price?


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CERALIV LUXURY精品鍍膜雖然才剛創立,不過我們在CERALIV CASA在居家鍍膜已經成為業界第一品牌,成功的其中一個關鍵,就是透明又令人安心的 收費標準

We copy and paste the trustworthy quotation method and set a clear standard based on the size of the bags. The size will be the main factor that determines the price, not the brand or value of the bag.

Only under one condition the price might have a slight difference. A few, 5 out of 100, leather bags need more layers of coating protection to achieve good strength. This might cause some differences in the price.

Super precise leather condition inspection
Every luxury bag has her unique beauty, and the uniqueness is exactly the reason why CERALIV LUXURY creates a full inspection for the leather condition.

UV light, colorimeter, and microscope, are instruments that we use to inspect the condition of the leather bags which can take one day and much needed to determine the most appropriate coating protection procedure.
