Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV

News Report CASA

The continuous praise of CERALIV’s entrepreneurial philosophy, product features, and professional services from major newspapers, magazines, and other media encourages CERALIV to continue building a complete residential coating system.

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這次,CERALIV團隊很榮幸可以跟小宅實驗一起合作,來協助百萬網紅”愛莉莎莎”進行居家鍍膜。 由於廚房水磨石容易遭到水漬、髒污的侵襲,再加上愛莉莎莎有自己開伙以及喝咖啡的習慣,導致在使用廚房檯面時都會擔心石材表面是否有吃色的問題。而CERALIV的鍍膜可以在基材表面形成緻密的防護層,讓飲料甚至是油汙都無法直接接觸到石材,達到阻絕吃色的成效...
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CERALIV CASA Participates in the Kaohsiung Building Show 2022 For the First Time

Have you ever heard of home coating? A new interior decoration trend has been commonly applied in north and central Taiwan for a long time. It is the goal and dream of many people to have a beautiful home. We would choose our favorite style to decorate and move in when the renovation has been completed. However, we always forget the most important part-home coating.We always said home coating is the last thing before moving into a new house because it keeps the original and perfect appearance just as the same as the beginning. Moreover, the coating can maintain…
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The Up-To-Date Cleaning 2022 Trends To Know

Another year has passed, and the essential Lunar Year is coming. Every family should worry about spring cleaning. When we mention spring cleaning, most people will think of the endless scrubbing and sore muscles. But, of course, after years of hard work, we want to relax and wait for the spring festival but to clean efficiently and not hurt our back or extremities, which is profound knowledge. Before cleaning, we could refer to the following strategies for specific spring cleaning provided by Baby Clean and CERALIV. If you do not mind being exhausted during spring cleaning without a professional cleaner's…
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Dead Or Alive? A Day Of Indulgence In Luxury Apartments

Today, Heaven Raven comes to a mysterious building with parking several limited edition supercars, high-end decorations, and designer furniture. I can directly feel what the words “luxurious and invaluable” try to express. Since I am here with the owner, let me revel in the upscale life. CERALIV CASA is the home coating brand created by CHOOSE NanoTech. They also have extensive experience in industrial and automotive coating, with strong research and development abilities. Compared with other home coating brands, CERALIV CASA has a mature technology and cornerstone. Even hygroscopic material can apply the ceramic coating…
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“Brighten up the world through charitable activities. DIY coatings revive road-reflecting mirrors, and protect the safety on the road.”

台灣的氣候變化多端,再加上酸雨與廢氣排放的影響,往往使得馬路旁的反光鏡變得又髒又霧,甚至長滿青苔。為了還給用路人一個更安全的行車環境,國際青年商會中華民國總會(JCI Taiwan)持續多年發起了「擦亮世界角落」的公益活動,讓這些往往被忽略,卻至關重要的反光鏡,能夠重拾潔淨的狀態,發揮最大的效用...
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