Bags are our most loyal companions, giving us stability and security. How wonderful it is to carry a beautiful bag out every day! Yet, the caring for the bag causes so many headaches! With CERALIV LUXURY’s number one coating technology, you can forever seal your favorite bag in its original condition, preserve the beautiful moment in eternity, and give your bag the greatest protection.
CERALIV, was originally set up to protect your dream home. After interior decoration, we apply transparent and colorless ceramic coating to maintain the best home appearance. During the decoration process, many customers shared their concerns about their precious bags. They all brought their beloved bags and asked if we have the coating service for bags.
Thus, we established "CERALIV LUXURY". CERALIV LUXURY uses its parent company's (Choose NanoTech) research and development capabilities in advanced materials to study leather and dyeing techniques of various luxury products to develop a coating solution specifically used in luxury bags. Under the premise of not affecting the bag texture and touch, we provide the strongest anti-stain property, so that your expensive and precious boutique bags can maintain its perfect condition.
CERALIV LUXURY will keep your beloved bag in its best pristine condition
Every spring and summer, all major brands launch stellar eye-catching light-color bags. But many are concerned that light-color bags are high maintenance. They are put off by them. But you only need to hand over your bags to CERALIV LUXURY for professional coating and 99% of smudges and discoloring will be prevented. We ensure that your beloved bag will stay in its best condition.
CERALIV LUXURY keeps your beloved bag in its most glamorous look!
In every spring and summer, all brands release eye-catching, light-colored bags. However, most people are put off by the fear that light-colored bags will be hard to take care of. Now, you can simply purchase your favorite color and send it to “CERALIV LUXURY ”, where our professional coating technology can prevent 99% of the dirt and staining problems, so that your beloved bag will always maintain the best condition.
"CERALIV LUXURY Shi-Yan Suo" gives you the service to feel right at home! All of our customers are 100% satisfied with our services!
"Shi-Yan Suo" in Chinese means a station where time can be extended. Here, we not only provide the service of surface protection, but we also preserve beautiful things in their most beautiful appearances. Adhering to the concept of "seal the moment" and being service-oriented, "CERALIV LUXURY Shi-Yan Suo" has consulting services for customers that are entirely free of charge. In order not to delay the precious time of our customers, an online appointment is recommended first. We will arrange professional staff to provide you with detailed information as soon as possible, and evaluate whether your products are suitable for coating.
“Shi-Yan Suo” has plenty of experience and is confident of giving the most satisfactory service to every bag lover who guards their bags with their lives. In the future, after you purchase a new boutique bag, please bring it to the “Shi-Yan Suo” first!